Sunday, December 30, 2012

July 14, 1943: Scotty to Speak


Hello Rip -

I thought I had better get your letter answered while I have time.  We are pulling out of this place Sun. night or Monday night and I guess we will be sorta busy.

It's at a place called "Indianola" and its 110 miles farther down the coast line.  It's supposed to be a regular firing range and prabably another hell hole like this one.

Honest to God Rip I would sooner be in a prison farm.  Some place than this.  They really are bearing down on us now.  We went all morning with only 1 ten minute break to get a drink of water they call it water but it's just like drinking Piss.  At boyanet practice the staff sgt. thinks his shit don't stink and he run us until we were running wet and then the Leuit said no break so we went dry until noon.  They had fuir over the hill last Monday and by God I don't blame them.  They drive a fellow to it.

We took a 25 mile hike last Friday and was it hot bastard.  At noontime we didn't have any water and they gave us two dried up sandwiches (hamburger) and a half a canteen of water, not even any catsup for flavoring.  It would have taken two canteend full to have washed them down.  I chucked mine over the fence and went hungry.  We almost chuckled at that.  the life saver was that about 4 miles from camp it started to rain and did we get a good soaking, but it really felt good.

To make matters worse I have athletics foot, on my left foot and it ever and still is about all raw on my toes but piss on them.  I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of me dropping out if you drop our you do extra detail at night from 6 to 9 PM for a week or two.

Where my pack fit on my back has all broken out with prickly heat and dow it itch and burn when you sweat.  I never in my life saw such a county as this place is.  I sure will be glad to get out of it and thats no shit.

We wear our tin hats now all the time and they have to sit just so on your head and the chin strap in a certain place.  To top it off they came out today and told us that there would be no more cussing or sweating on or around the battery area.  Even if your joking with one of your buddies and start cussing you catch more detail.  Detail that all you have in this dam outfit.

Say by dam I thought your ouce told me you guaranteed boys for 20 bucks or your money back.  I guess you r foot must have slipped.

Anyway rip I think it's swell and I don't blame you for being a proud papa.  You and Madge are really lucky and two of the swellest friends I ever have had.  I don't blame you for bragging about it.  I would too if I had one of my own.

They say it looks like you and I sure would like to see it, but I guess you are just a anxious to see you daughter if not more so.

You done some very nice timing to have it born on the 4th of July.  That was surely nice.  She can make two celebrations for her birthday in one.

So they are getting tough at your place too.  I don't blame you for not screwing off when it means you rating.  Take all you can get Rip as it is for your benefit.  I have given up trying.  The more a fellow does here the less he is appreciated.  I guess I will stay back as a private.  I can't get busted anyway.

You can't screw off here.  They call roll at every formation we have, about 5 or 6 times a day and then we are split up in gun sections and each chief of sections knows just who is on it and so we are struck.  When we get together sometime I will really give you a earful of all the shit that goes on in this place and then they call it an advanced training camp.  Boy thats really shit for the birds.

I wish we could both get our furloughs for Xmas but, where I will be by then is dam had to say.  Probably across the pond.

As for Jerry I think also that he is chicken shit.  he was supposed to go on the 10th of July but I guess his company fixed it up.  I guess you and I should have went to work up there.

From what Uncle Lee said he expects to make Staff Sgt next month.  He sure has went flying along.  I wish I was in your and his outfit.

Did you know you were 278 miles from Ken?  He is at Abelene, Texas.  I didn't know it until the other day.

It's about 400 to 450 from here and then we are another 110 miles farther away.  He wanted me to meet him half way someplace, but I guess it's out now.  I couldn't make it on a weekend pass as they are only good for Sat night and Sunday here.  Rip we even have to get permission from our 1 chief of our gun section, 2 Platoon Sgt and 1st Sgt to get a dam pass.  So as I say it's really a Prison Farm, Texas.

Every dog his is day tho and yours and mine are coming up soon I hope. 

I suppose you know Shorty Balton from "Suttans" is home for a visit.  He states.  It should have been Chuck instead of him as it was Africa when they came from.  I'll really bet old Chuck is homesick.

How about Alf?  Is he deffered too?

Wanda or it was Madge said Paul was going into the navy or something.  He sure stayed out a long time.

The whisky finally got old Don Alger.  They called it heart failure as he dropped over dead the other day.

So Papa Carter, we have a dam meeting at 7:15 tonight. (Just som more bull shit). So I hd better close.  Everyday we go on the gun range here we spend from 12 to 15 hours on our feet so I really do get tired of this shit.  I even believe at times I could go and feed them burned beans, thats all we get here.

Rip plugging for the cpl rating, Rip you have earned it and you have it in you.  Your a real buddy.

Your Uncle Devan (?),


P.S. Write and let me hear your bitch.  I'm pretty good at it now.

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