Saturday, December 29, 2012

July 9, 1943: Speak to Madge

Hi Darlings:

Just a short one to keep up my good record, and tell you how much I love you both.  I was unable to write last night, as we had a cloud burst and it put the lights out until after midnight. 

Boy it sure rained, I've never seen rain like that before in my life, about half of our board walk floated away.

Some of the guys went swimming it was up to their neck so you can see the storm we had that water come up in the barracks on of them had 2 feet of water in it.  The moved them out and into a higher place.

Well enough about the rain storm, but it was fun.

Toots, I sure hope you are nearly well, but remember don't do any kid of work until you are completely well.

Any let me know when I can call you, at home, gee it will sure be a thrill for me to talk to my mommy.

I gotta go.  Bye Darlings!

Your forever,


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