Thursday, December 27, 2012

July 5, 1943: Speak to Madge

Darling Madge and Baby:

How's my darlings today, gee I hope you are starting to feel better by now.  Honey I hope you had the baby easy, and did not have to suffer too long.

I can't stand to think of you, being sick or in pain.  I sure hope that is the only kind of sickness you ever have.  Princess I love you did you know it?  I always will too.  Have you had a chance to kiss my daughter for me?  Thanks a million, I can hardly wait to be there, and do it myself (and mostly you).

Honey I'm dying to get more news about it all, but don't you write until you feel well enough.  But maybe you could get Mom or Jessie to huh?

Gee princess I've about wore that telegram out, reading it so much.  I got three letters from you today, was I ever glad to get them too.

that one you wrote on the 3rd was the most wonderful letter I ever received, especially how you ended it, just before going thru it all.  I'll always love you and worship you, for being such a wonderful wife and sweethear.

Honey, Geo B called me last night, and he was sure glad to hear that good news.  He is coming up there about the 12th, so I too would think Follis silly, if she goes back for just a few days.  It's the first time he has ever called me, and I was sure glad to hear from him.

Hey if you can, will you send me the clipping out of the Herald telling about the birth of our Darling baby?  Gee we'll save it and put it in our scrap book.

I'm glad Ed got the cherries, and was able to get them put up, that was nice of Freda to do it for them.

Well Mommy I'm out of phase now, and tomorrow we start on engine change, so I'll only have about 3 more phases to go thru to be exact I have 32 more days of this school, and then?

Boy they are sure getting tough around here now, we have to fall out in different formations 8 times a day, and there's no chance of screwing off any more, or it means out stripe if were caught.  and I don't want to lose mine, cause I'd sure like to be a corperol when I come home.  I will be too, if they keep giving us that rating when we graduate, cause I'm gonna stay on the beam from now on.  but it will just be my luck to have them stop, about the time I finish here.  But I'm hopin'.

Honey do you nurse the baby?  what color hair has it got, what color eyes?  does it look like you?  How much did it weigh?  Does she seem to be as healthy as can be expected? 

Darling, I don't know why I'm asking all these questions, I'll probably know all about it before you even get this.  Then watch our cause I'll sure pour the letters that way, and I hope you don't get tired of them.

Darling, I sure hope you got the candy and gum I sent, in time to have it out there with you, and I hope the telegram and flowers got there this morning.  I tried to send them last night, but every place was closed for the fourth.  Hey I sure spoled your fourth didn't I?  Please forgive me, we'll have to time the next one a little different huh?

Well sweethearts I better close for now, and get my lessons.  Remember to give my love to the baby and I'll always keep on loving you more each day.  Hope you are recovering ok, Bye for now my princesses.

All my love,

Daddy Speak

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