Sunday, December 23, 2012

Janurary 26, 1943: Madge to Speak

Oh, My Darling:

At last I recieved the very first letter from my man in the service.  What a thrill.  Honey, do you know what you are to be. Ground crew, pilot, gunner, or what?  I do hope it's the ground crew, leaving all personal feelings aside.  do you think you'll like it?  I hope so.  It seems to be a good branch to be in.  Write and tell me.

I paid the hospital plan today up and including July.  So that's that.

I'm sending George's field glasses back to him tomorrow.  I'll insure them for a $50.00 to make sure. 

Today, Mother went downtown and brought the cloth for 4 small receiving blankets isn't she sweet?  And then we'll crochet around them with blue and pink.

Ella came in tonight to see if I knew where you were yet.  The mailman doesn't come until almost 7:00.  so Daddy brought it (letter) down to me - and she said she didn't think I was going to have a baby cause I should show it a little - it almost hurt my feelings - Because I know we are.

Last night I dreamed I had it.  It was a boy and it was cute.

I made $2.40 cents tonight.  It all goes in our bank, it's going up and up.

As usual, I slept till noon today, got up and had breakfast and went down to the bank.  Mom won't wake me up.  She says when I've had enough sleep I'll wake up.

It is now 12:00 PM - Murray just came up to the door to see if I had a ride hom - It was awfully nice of him.  But Eilien had her car and I don't get off until 12:30.  so I am now writing this so I can mail it right off.

Hey Sweet, please excuse all my samples of stationary, I've just been picking up a piece here and there.

Darling, I'm kinda glad you kinda feel bad at night. 'Cause so do I.  Did you like what I wrote on the back of my picture?  Now Speak, if you run out of money you be sure and write won't you?  Wouldn't you like a nice money belt?  I saw a honey of a one today.  I'd sure like to buy it for you.  Instead of a flap, it has a zipper.

I'll send you ring, day after tomorrow.  and do you want your cigatette case?

And now my love, I guess I'd better sign off and go home and dream of you.

I do hope 15 cents will take this first letter to you.

Until tomorrow - 
With all my love
-Bye for now


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